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Webinar and Revision Days

At the behest of our students, we regularly organise convenient Webinars where our tutors can offer captivating and interactive presentations via online video conferencing software which students can access from the comfort and convenience of their homes. Our tutors have covered a range of different subject matters ranging from navigating the university application process to life as a medical student.  In the past, our students have found these Webinars to be extremely insightful into the world of Higher Education and professional work which has cemented their own ambitions.

Similarly, for both our GCSE and A-level students, we have always organised revision days during and in the run up to exam season. Our expert tutors navigate through high yield content which is highly probable to appear in the exam in focussed group sessions specific for each upcoming paper. Due to their experience, they are able to predict such content based on their comprehensive knowledge of prior examinations which they use as a precedent. They are then able to condense and disseminate this content to our students giving them an often much needed confidence boost shortly before their exams. Similarly, these sessions focus on honing in our learners’ exam technique so that they have the correct skills to thoroughly interpret and comprehensively respond to exam questions in a timely manner.